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E-Waste Roundup set for Earth Day

IT Solutions will host a local electronic waste recycler on the Denton campus to accept e-waste donations from the TWU Community.

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It's time for Information Security Awareness Training

By law, 100% of TWU employees who use computing resources for at least 25% of their job must complete security awareness training by June 14, 2021.

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Connect, collaborate, and work like a pro

IT Solutions will host free, live training sessions open to all TWU employees. No registration is required.

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Update and patch your Apple products now

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Apple products, the most severe of which could allow hackers to access your systems.

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Keep your information safe online

Texas Woman's University recognizes and supports the principle that all organizations share the responsibility of being conscientious stewards of personal information.


New web conferencing standard available

Many TWU faculty and staff utilize web conferencing solutions for department meetings, courses, research, and general collaboration.

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Online resources provide support throughout semester

TWU’s Teaching and Learning with Technology team has created a toolbox of online resources to support you this semester.

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Webinars focus on collaborating from home

TWU Technology is offering two sessions focused on working together while staying apart.

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Join TWU's Captioning Brigade

If you have a few hours each week or month to help, you’re invited to join the Captioning Brigade and help instructors add closed captions to videos for students in their Canvas courses.


Troubleshooting your webcam issues

If you find yourself fighting with your webcam, use these troubleshooting tips.

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