Denton Details, 02-27-19

Reminder: University head shots will be taken in the ACT second-floor lobby from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 27 and from 1-5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28. If you need an official university photo,

Dallas Digest_02-27-19

Mari Tietze (nursing) was a speaker for a panel for the NIH “All of Us” precision medicine study on Friday, Feb. 22, at Friendship Baptist Church. Staff Council is proud to announce the two newest

Houston Happenings_02-27-19

Nursing faculty members Joan Edwards and Rheatte Solomon, along with several nursing students, attended the M3 (Mobilizing Medical Missions) conference Saturday, Feb. 23 in Houston. Following the

Dallas Digest_02-20-19

Mari Tietze (nursing) presented “Statewide Study to Assess Nurses’ Experiences Using their Electronic Health Record: An Update" at the Rita Kobb Symposium held Feb. 15 in Gainesville, Florida. The

Houston Happenings_02-20-19

Rupal Patel (physical therapy) led a group of 45 physical therapy students on a trip to the Texas State Capitol for the Texas Physical Therapy Association Legislative Day 2019. The group visited with

Denton Details, 02-20-19

Faculty and staff are invited to attend Dialogues on Race & Social Inequality from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20 in ACT 301. This month’s topic is “Understanding the experiences of students

Denton Details, 02-13-19

Go Red: Walking Wednesdays are back! Walk or be active at your own pace each Wednesday in February. Events take place from 3-4 p.m. inside the Fitness & Recreation Center. February is National Heart

Dallas Digest_02-13-19

Occupational therapy faculty members and students hosted the 26th annual Vanderkooi Endowed Lectureship and Community Building Workshops Friday, Feb. 8. More than 300 people attended the endowed

Houston Happenings_02-13-19

Nursing faculty members Suzanne Scheller, Van Nguyen and Vi Ho led a group of nursing students in providing flu vaccine immunization, health education, blood pressure and BMI screenings and nutrition

Dallas Digest_02-06-19

Under the leadership of faculty coordinator Kathy Shirley (physical therapy), students Kailey Sanders (occupational therapy), Kristen Stucky (physical therapy) and Lenna King (nursing), held the

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