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Career Connections offers customized content for courses

As you plan for fall courses, Career Connections Center can help you prepare your students for life after TWU.

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Testing of Pioneer Alert System set for June 16

The tests allow Risk Management to verify that the university’s mass notification system is functioning and ready for any emergencies or hazards that may impact TWU campuses.

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Have some online fun this summer

TWU Fitness & Recreation has partnered with Housing and Dining and the Center for Student Development to offer two fun, online events for current Texas Woman’s students, staff, faculty, alumni and TWU family members.

Chancellor sends messages of comfort, hope

Chancellor Carine Feyten addressed the challenges of the past few weeks, from the tragic death of George Floyd to the ongoing situation with COVID-19.

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TWU among best for education in state during COVID-19 crisis

Educate to Career, which ranked universities based on their ability to provide a quality education during the economic crisis brought on by the coronavirus, placed TWU in the highest category.

Chancellor's April/May BOLDLY GO newsletter is online

The latest issue features a salute to nurses — including highlights from the College of Nursing’s inaugural newsletter — teachers and new graduates.

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Regents approve PhD in education leadership

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents approved a new doctoral degree program that aims to better prepare educators for leadership roles at the highest levels of K-12 instruction, higher education and community-based leadership.

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TWU slates virtual Walk, Bike Run 5K

It’s a good time to get out and get active (while maintaining social distancing), and members of the TWU community have an opportunity to do just that!


Course evaluations open May 20-25

Summer 2020 (three-week term) Course Evaluations will be open May 20-25.


Blagg-Huey Library to begin reopening

The Blagg-Huey Library at Texas Woman’s University will begin its gradual reopen on Monday, May 18. Dallas and Houston campus libraries are expected to reopen June 1.

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