Houston Happenings_06-27-18

Melissa A. Rodriguez (admissions) successfully completed the College Board’s yearlong Educational Leadership Academy, which focuses on leadership skills, enrollment management issues and the overall

Dallas Digest, 06-27-18

Marsha Neville (occupational therapy) and incoming faculty member Suzanne Burns (occupational therapy) published "Cognitive Impairment in Adults with Stroke: Incorporating Assessment and Intervention

Denton Details, 06-27-18

Nikki Young, associate director of admissions, has been named interim director of admissions effective Monday, June 25. Brandon Rigby (kinesiology) and graduate teaching assistant Nicholas Levine

Denton Details,06-20-18

The TWU Community offers its condolences to the family and friends of Barbara Taylor, a 1988 TWU Distinguished Alumna and former president of the TWU Former Students Association. Get your summer

Houston Happenings_06-20-18

Wyona Freysteinson (nursing) has published an article in the Journal of Holistic Nursing titled A synopsis of Ricoeur’s phenomenology of the will: Implications for nursing practice, research, and

Denton Details, 6-13-18

Still looking for something for your children to do this summer? Some TWU summer camps still have openings. Check out the list today! Reminder: Allie King and Jeremy King with VALIC Financial

Houston Happenings_06-13-18

Rita DelloStritto (nursing) has been named a Silver Medal winner for Excellence in Nursing by the Good Samaritan Foundation. DelloStritto was one of only six Silver Medal winners in Houston and the

Dallas Digest 6-13-18

Martin Rosario (physical therapy) has been published in F1000 Research with the article, “Autonomic nervous system assessment in people with HIV: A cross-sectional study.”

Denton Details, 06-06-18

Need a putter or extra golf balls? The TWU Golf Course Club House will open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 12 for one last clearance sale. Available merchandise will include clubs, golf balls,

Dallas Digest, 6-6-18

Faculty Ombudsperson Linda Rubin will visit the Dallas campus Monday, June 11. The Provost’s office on the 2nd floor will serve as her office for the day. Feel free to drop by the office or contact

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