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Hynds named ASN treasurer-elect

DiAnna Hynds, PhD (Biology) was named treasurer-elect of the American Society for Neurochemistry (ASN) at the organization’s 2023 meeting.

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Cesario appointed liaison to ACOG committee

Sandra Cesario, PhD (Nursing) recently was appointed the AWHONN liaison to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on American Indian/Alaska Native Women’s Health.

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Hwang named to NCFR Elections Council

Abraham Hwang, PhD (Family Studies) recently was elected to the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Elections Council.

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In the News: Katherine Landdeck

Katherine Landdeck, PhD (History) was quoted in a March 26 Denton Record-Chronicle story, “Dots and sticky notes map out residents’ hopes for rural northeast Denton.”

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In the News: Maria Peterson-Ahmad, Schuyler Beecher

Teacher Education faculty Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD , and Schuyler Beecher (adjunct) were interviewed for a Spectrum News story focused on the TeachLivE™ Lab at Texas Woman’s.

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Faculty/staff presentations highlighted — January-March 2023

A quarterly report of faculty and staff presentations at international, national, and regional conferences.

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Faculty, staff publications highlighted — January-March 2023

Texas Woman’s University faculty/staff are leaders in their fields, with an extensive list of publications to their credit.

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In memoriam: Marcella Ettinger

The TWU Community offers its sympathies to the family and friends of Marcella Ettinger, who passed away March 18 2023.


In memoriam: John Hines

The TWU Community offers its condolences to the family and friends of John Hines, who passed away March 8, 2023.


Mehta recognized for neurorehabilitation excellence

Jyutika Mehta, PhD, was recognized by the American Society of Neurorehabilitation for work in the neurorehabilitation field.

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