
Help us spread holiday cheer

For more than 20 years, the TWU community has come together to give holiday gifts to children of our students in need. Last year, we helped 185 student parents who requested aid for their families.


Consistency is key with logo use

Texas Woman’s University launched a new logo in August 2017, but previous versions of the symbol still appear in brochures and other items from time to time.


Associate professor uses mirrors in therapy research

Wyona Freysteinson made her career choice at the age of 2. “I knew I was going to be a nurse,” said Freysteinson, associate professor of nursing at TWU’s Houston Center.

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Apply now for J. Wilkes Berry Scholarship

The J. Wilkes Berry, Ph.D., Memorial Endowment Fund Scholarship is awarded to a permanent full- or part-time TWU staff member enrolled in undergraduate or graduate classes at Texas Woman’s.


Staff show off creative costumes

Ghouls and goblins galore turned up for the Spooktacular Staff Halloween Costume Contest sponsored by Asset on Oct. 31 in Denton.

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