
Cultural TALKS to focus on imposter syndrome

Cultural TALKS: First-Generation Graduate Student Panel – Imposter Syndrome, is scheduled 4-5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 3.


Houston students elected to TNSA office

The Texas Nursing Students Association held its 72nd Annual Convention Feb. 22-24 in Austin, with two TWU Houston students named to the organization’s board.

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Rossler, Tserotas named to Safra program

Congratulations to Aleatha Rossler and Shopha Tserotas (nursing) on their acceptance to the Edmond J. Safra Visiting Nurse Faculty Program at the Parkinson’s Foundation.


Bookstore hours changing

The TWU Bookstore will have new hours for Spring Break and afterward.

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Sign up for meal plan anytime

If you’re interested in signing up for a faculty and staff meal plan but missed the deadline, you are in luck — The Faculty/Staff/Commuter 40 meal plan now is available for signup at any point during the semester!

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Faculty Ombudsperson to visit Houston

Faculty Ombudsperson Linda Rubin will visit the Houston campus Thursday, Feb. 27 and Friday, Feb. 28.

Chancellor's BOLDLY GO newsletter is online

Chancellor Carine Feyten’s latest BOLDLY GO newsletter now is online.

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Early voting underway on Denton campus

Reminder: TWU’s Denton campus is an early voting site for 2020 primary voting, which began Tuesday, Feb. 18 and runs through Friday, Feb. 28.


Recognize librarian contributions

The TWU Libraries are a vital support unit for the academic mission of the university, and you have an opportunity to recognize the contributions by library staff members who go beyond their normal duties with the TWU Award for Outstanding Contributions to the TWU Libraries.


Faculty awards deadline extended to Feb. 21

If you haven’t nominated anyone yet for faculty awards, there’s still time — the deadline has been extended to Friday, Feb. 21.

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