
Dallas Digest, 12-11-19

Dining services will close for winter break at 2 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 12, and will reopen 7 a.m., Monday, Jan. 13, 2020.


University-Wide News, 12-11-19

The TWU Bookstore’s Holiday Wrap-Up Sale ends Wednesday, Dec. 11. Don’t miss your chance to get 30 percent off T-shirts, sweatshirts and more in-store and online.


Semester's end brings shuttle service changes

Shuttle service to the Denton Bible Church parking lot, 2300 E. University Dr., will be suspended Monday, Dec. 16, through Friday, Dec. 20.

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Work to affect Old Main Drive

Work on the Ann Stuart Science Complex sewer line will begin Monday, Dec. 16, and temporarily will block through traffic on Old Main Drive.


Houston Happenings, 12-11-19

Two Therapy Dogs from Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs of Houston visited with more than 100 faculty, staff, and students on campus Monday, Dec. 2.

Denton Details, 12-11-19

Commencement rehearsal in preparation for the Dec. 13-14 ceremonies will be 2 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 12, in the Kitty Magee Arena of Pioneer Hall.

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What's in a name? Part IX

Do you ever wonder about the people for whom buildings on TWU campuses are named? Woodcock Hall, formerly known as the Human Development Building, was dedicated in honor of Richard W. Woodcock, Ed.D., on May 2, 2018, in recognition of his scholarly achievements and extraordinary generosity to the university.

University-Wide News, 12-4-19

Chancellor Carine Feyten’s BOLDLY GO newsletter for the month of November highlights recent events, and the new Connecting the Dots publication highlights stories and outcomes aligning with TWU’s

Sidewalk section to remain closed

A section of sidewalk on the north side of Texas Street, just south of the Science Technology Learning Center construction site, will remain closed through June 28, 2020.

Houston Happenings, 12-4-19

Faculty Ombudsperson Linda Rubin will visit the Houston campus Tuesday, Dec. 10, and Wednesday, Dec. 11.

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