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A message about coronavirus (1-29-20)

TWU Student Health Services and TWU Emergency Management are closely monitoring the emerging facts about the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China.


Send a colleague a Candy Gram

Wish your TWU colleagues a Happy Valentine’s Day and show how much you appreciate them by having a Candy Gram delivered to their office.


Chancellor's Student Research Scholar nominations due

The 2020 Student Creative Arts and Research Symposium will take place April 14-15, but faculty should act now to nominate a student for consideration as a Chancellor’s Student Research Scholar.

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Keep safety in mind this spring

Now that the spring semester is underway, TWU Risk Management encourages you to keep safety in mind.


Social Media Boot Camps set

Bring your cell phones, laptops and tablets for a hands-on workshop to get your social media account in shape for the new year.

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Hearings to address student concerns

Jason Tomlinson and Monica Mendez-Grant will lead hearings on a proposed tuition increase, parking and other student concerns.

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Pioneer Proud recognizes staff

Pioneer Proud recognizes staff that go above and beyond each month.

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Tomlinson to talk parking changes

Jason Tomlinson (finance and administration) will talk about upcoming parking changes at TWU during the Staff Council meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 9.

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Career Connections launches new digital platform

Texas Woman’s University has launched a new digital platform designed to improve student engagement, optimize communication and cultivate a career culture on campus.

Chancellor's newsletter now online

Chancellor Carine Feyten’s BOLDLY GO newsletter for December 2019 now is available online.The chancellor shares the accolades, accomplishments and activities of the university and its faculty, staff

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