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West receives BCALA award for book

Genevieve West (English) received an award from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association, Inc. (BCALA).

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In the News: Jackie Hoermann-Elliott

Jackie Hoermann-Elliott (English) wrote “Design as Renewal,” a post on the Feb. 8 Tanglewood Moms blog.

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In memoriam: Jana Perez

The TWU Community offers its condolences to the family and friends of Jana Perez, former visual arts professor, who passed away Jan. 28, 2021.

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Bejarano awarded $30,000 grant for research project

Christina Bejarano (political science) recently was awarded a $30,000 grant for a study of Latina political participation. The research project was one of nine funded by the Center for America Women and Politics.

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Woo's team develops anti-racist guidelines for authors

Jennifer Woo (nursing, Dallas) served on a team of Advances in Nursing Science peer reviewers who developed anti-racist guidelines for authors submitting scholarly works to the journal.

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In the News: Debra Mollen

Debra Mollen (psychology) was interviewed for a Feb. 3 KTRK News (Houston) report on how watching violence played out on television can trigger adverse feelings for those who have experienced violence or trauma in their own lives.

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In the News: Brian Fehler

Brian Fehler (English) was quoted in a Feb. 3 Prism & Pen story, “Anti-Transgender Bully at University of Dallas Incites Hatred.”

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In the News: Mary Anne Alhadeff

Mary Anne Alhadeff (Jane Nelson Institute for Women’s Leadership) was featured on the podcast 50 Percent, hosted by Marcylle Combs.

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In the News: Jorge Figueroa

Jorge Figueroa (teacher education) wrote an opinion piece on the transformation of digital education that was accelerated out of necessity because of COVID-19.

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In the News: David Rylander

David Rylander (marketing) was quoted in the “What the Experts Say” section of

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