
Liu leads effort to collect medical equipment to fight pandemic

Fuqin Liu, an associate professor in TWU’s College of Nursing in Denton, has assembled a large cadre of North Texans to help collect badly needed personal protective equipment for health care professionals who are responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

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In the News: Patrick Bynane, Hannah Fuller

Patrick Bynane (theatre) and theatre student Hannah Fuller were quoted in a March 25 Denton Record-Chronicle story on intimacy direction.

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In the News: Rosalie Mainous

Rosalie Mainous (nursing) was quoted in a March 27 Dallas Morning News story on how the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the looming shortage of nurses and respiratory therapists.

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In the News: Vagner Whitehead, Juliet Spencer

Vagner Whitehead (visual arts) and Juliet Spencer (biology) were quoted in a March 29 Denton Record-Chronicle story, “Science and art amid a crisis.”

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In the News: Fuqin Liu

Fuqin Liu (nursing) was interviewed for a March 30 D Magazine story, “The Most Organized Group of COVID-19 Volunteers You Have Ever Seen.”

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In the News: Shannon Mantaro

Shannon Mantaro (Center for Women Entrepreneurs) was interviewed for a March 28 NBCDFW story on the AssistHER grant program that is offering 100 grants worth $10,000 each to women-owned businesses that are struggling due to COVID-19.

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In the News: Whitney Mathison

Whitney Mathison (Counseling & Family Therapy Clinic) was quoted in a March 28 Denton Record-Chronicle story on resources available to those who are experiencing strains on their mental health due to social distancing.

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In the News: Rosalie Mainous

Rosalie Mainous (nursing) was interviewed for a March 23 NBC5 story on Gov. Greg Abbott waiving regulations in order to add more nurses to the workforce.

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In the News: Joni Jensen

Joni Jensen (music) and the TWU Concert Choir received high praise in a March 21 TheatreJones review.

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In the News: Nancy Bocskor

Nancy Bocskor (Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy) was quoted in a March 12 Corpus Christi Caller Times story on "Women and Democracy in Texas."

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