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In the News: Lisa Rampy

Lisa Rampy (advancement) was quoted in “Alumni of Houston nursing schools unite for #HoustonNursesTogether initiative,” published in the July 20 issue of the TMC News.

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In the News: Kerry Webb

Kerry Webb (College of Business) was quoted in “The Future of Executive Search and Leadership Development Consulting,” published in the July 18 issue of Global Banking & Finance Review.

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In the News: Carmen Cruz

Carmen Cruz (Counseling & Psychological Services) was quoted in “A crunch at college counseling centers,” published in the July 11 issue of Monitor on Psychology, an American Psychological Association publication.

In the News: Tracy Irby

Tracy Irby (Center for Women Entrepreneurs) wrote a column, “Get your business ready for grants and loans during the pandemic,” published in the July 15 issue of the Denton Record-Chronicle.

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In the News: Center for Women Entrepreneurs

The Center for Women Entrepreneurs was mentioned in “A Fight for Funding: Women Entrepreneurs Continue to Battle Sexist Stereotypes,” published in the June-July issue of D CEO magazine.

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In the News: Brigitte Vittrup

Brigitte Vittrup (child development) was quoted in a recent Parents magazine story, and her research was cited in an ABC Life article. Both articles dealt with talking to children about race and racism.

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In the News: Heather Roberts, Angela Shierk

A research study in which Heather Roberts and Angela Shierk (occupational therapy) are involved was featured in the July 6 issue of D Magazine.

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In the News: Katherine Landdeck

Katherine Landdeck (history) was interviewed for a July 2 San Francisco Chronicle review of her book, “The Women With Silver Wings.”

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In the News: Christopher Johnson, Denise Lucero-Miller

Christopher Johnson (chancellor’s office) and Denise Lucero-Miller (Counseling and Psychological Services) were quoted in a July 5 Denton Record-Chronicle story, “TWU working to create on-campus memorial garden for Quakertown.”


In the News: Texas Woman's University

Texas Woman’s University was mentioned in a couple of recent stories on historic events.

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