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Kapinus named executive vice president, provost

Carolyn Kapinus has been named the new executive vice president for academic affairs and provost of Texas Woman's University.

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TWU provides free feminine hygiene products to students

Spearheaded by TWU’s Student Government Association (SGA )and concerned graduate students, the university is piloting a free menstrual product program in order to provide students with access to products.


Changes coming to summer camps at TWU

Summer camps taking place on Texas Woman’s campuses will undergo changes due to new requirements regarding minors on campus.


Student parents find helpful resources at TWU

Raising kids while juggling the demands of a college education often complicates matters for families, but resources at Texas Woman’s provide student parents with a much needed boost.

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Tuong-Vi Ho: Life comes full circle

Tuong-Vi Ho found herself in the final evacuation from Saigon in 1975. Now, she works with the Vietnamese community in Houston and Vietnam.


Erwin named interim CIO at Texas Woman's

Steve Erwin, senior vice president and chief technology officer of Columbia Advisory Group, has joined Texas Woman’s University as interim CIO (chief information officer).

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Thomas, Brock to speak at Jamison Lecture

Two renowned authors will visit TWU’s Denton campus this March to discuss books as agents of change during the 5th Annual Jamison Lecture.

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Day of celebration marks opening of student union

The university celebrated the grand opening of the Student Union at Hubbard Hall on Feb. 25 with a day full of activities for students, faculty, staff and alumni.

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Lilly named head synchronized swimming coach

Sara (Lowe) Lilly, one of the most successful and respected competitors and coaches in the history of synchronized swimming in the United States, has been selected as the head synchronized swimming coach at Texas Woman's University.

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Regents approve innovative degrees

At its February quarterly meeting, the TWU Board of Regents approved two new degrees that offer innovative approaches to burgeoning fields in the DFW area.

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