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Texas Woman's set to celebrate the season

Texas Woman’s is in the holiday spirit, with several events set to celebrate the season.

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Pioneers in TWU History: Jessie Humphries

Jessie Humphries, one of the original faculty members for the Girls Industrial College, left her mark on the institution in a special way.


Design team places third at NASA-sponsored competition

A Texas Woman’s team of senior kinesiology students placed third overall at the Texas Space Grant Consortium Design Challenge Showcase.


Prevent food poisoning at holiday gatherings

Food poisoning sends 128,000 Americans to the hospital each year. You can help keep your coworkers, family, and friends safe from food poisoning by following four simple steps.

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Texas Woman’s launches Zero Tuition Guarantee to curb college debt

Texas Woman’s has unveiled a new program that guarantees covering 100% of tuition and fees for incoming Texas students who qualify for federal financial aid.

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Denton, Dallas, Houston to mark Veterans Day

The nation will mark Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 11. Ceremonies in Denton, Dallas, and Houston also will honor those who served.

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Board of Regents to meet Nov. 10-11 in Houston

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet Thursday and Friday, Nov. 10-11, in room 10307 on the Houston campus.

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Naming, scholarships announced at memorial

Colleagues and students gathered to honor the memory of longtime Texas Woman’s faculty member Phyllis Bridges, who passed away April 26.

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Pioneers in TWU History: Cree T. Work

Once the Girls Industrial College was established, the new institution needed a leader. Regents selected Cree T. Work as the college’s first president.