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Board of Regents to meet Nov. 10-11 in Houston

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet Thursday and Friday, Nov. 10-11, in room 10307 on the Houston campus. The meeting also will be broadcast via livestream.

A special called workshop meeting will take place at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 10. Items on the agenda include:

  • Discussion related to key performance indicators for TWU’s next five-year dashboard
  • Discussion related to the direction for TWU’s proposed Strategic Plan

The Academic Affairs and Finance and Audit committee meetings will take place at 1 p.m.

The full board will meet at 9 a.m., Friday, Nov. 12. Items on the agenda include:

  • Recommend approval of Multipurpose Classroom Laboratory building renovations for the College of Business
  • Recommend approval of a preschool facility to support the educational mission of Texas Woman’s University
  • Recommend approval of tuition and fee proposals

See the full agendas for the November 2022 meetings.