Dallas Digest, 10-10-18

Suh-Jen Lin (physical therapy) presented a poster, "Exercise capacity in community dwelling individuals with spinal cord injury," at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference

Denton Details_10-10-18

Candy donations are still being accepted for Boo at the U. Drop off your donations at Student Union 209 or the Alumni House through Thursday, Oct. 18. You can also call x3641 to have your donation

Houston Happenings_10-10-18

Theresa Smith (occupational therapy) was part of a multi-discipline research team that has published an article entitled “Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Perspectives on Post-Stroke Visual Concerns and

Denton Details, 10-3-18

Join the TWU Staff Council for Cookies and Cuties with Council from 2-3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 in the ACT 2 lobby. Meet your representatives and have a bite to eat! Mark your calendars for the grand

Houston Happenings_10-03-18

Headshots are happening, Houston! Mark your calendar to come take that winning photo anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16 in room 3322, or Wednesday, Oct. 17 in room 3121. No

10-2-18 Dallas Digest

The second edition of Nursing informatics for the advanced practice nurse: Patient safety, quality, outcomes, and interprofessionalism has been printed by Springer Publishing Company. Written by Mari

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