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Greek Life says 'Wear Your Letters Wednesday'

The Greek Life Office encourages faculty, staff, and students on all campuses to “Wear Your Letters Wednesday” on the first Wednesday of every month.

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Panel to focus on advancing women in STEM

The Women’s College Coalition (WCC) will host a virtual panel with Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, PhD, and Congresswoman Betty McCollum to discuss advancing women in STEM and matters of importance to student leaders from women’s colleges.

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Rangers, Astros to host TWU college nights

Play ball with Texas Woman’s University as the Pioneers head to Arlington and Houston for college nights.

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TWU named Military Friendly School

Texas Woman's University has earned the 2022-2023 Military Friendly ® School designation, a distinction it has held since 2009.

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'Great Colleges' survey response due April 1

Faculty and staff members randomly selected to participate in The Chronicle of Education's annual survey have the opportunity to voice their opinions about working at Texas Woman's.

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Tuition Assistance Program applications due May 6

The Texas Woman’s University Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) assists regular full-time faculty, staff, and their dependents in pursuing their higher education goals.

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Faith Zone workshop scheduled

Join a discussion about religion and spirituality as sources of personal identity, existential meaning, and social justice activism – participate in Faith Zone, a multifaith ally training hybrid workshop for faculty, staff, and students.

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'Just Write' aids faculty, staff with writing projects

Just Write for Faculty and Staff offers a quiet, supportive atmosphere that will help you get out of your regular routine and keep you accountable.

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Chancellor's message provides Board of Regents highlights

Chancellor Carine Feyten provided highlights from the February Board of Regents meeting in a recent message to the university community.

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Chancellor's BOLDLY GO newsletter now online

The January/February 2022 issue notes that the previous year was a productive one for Texas Woman’s, and 2022 is off to a great start.

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