
'Great Colleges' survey underway

Faculty and staff are randomly selected to participate in the survey, which asks for your feedback on working at TWU.

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Spring 2021 course evaluations open through April 10

Faculty may add custom questions or change the evaluation dates.


ASSET to host virtual BINGO hour

The Association of Service and Support Employees of Texas Woman’s University (ASSET) will host an hour of virtual BINGO Thursday, March 25.

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Quality Matters Rubric workshop scheduled

Do you need to understand the Quality Matters Rubric and course review process? Do you plan to complete the QM Higher Ed Peer Reviewer Course?

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Learn how to 'Swipe Out Hunger'

Rachel Sumekh, founder and CEO of Swipe Out Hunger, will host a presentation to the TWU Community and a workshop for students to explore beginning a program at Texas Woman’s.

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Website updates on hold during Spring Break

While many of our students and faculty take a break during Spring Break next week, so will the TWU website.


TWU to present forum on legacy, roots of Capitol violence

Texas Woman’s University will host its first virtual Public Affairs Forum, “Capitol Violence: Tracing Legacies of Anti-Black Racism, White Supremacy and Anti-Semitism,” on Zoom 6-7:30 p.m., March 4.

Chancellor's BOLDLY GO newsletter notes events, honors

The latest issue of Chancellor Carine Feyten’s BOLDLY GO newsletter notes the challenges of the recent winter storm, as well as the university’s celebration of Black History Month.

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