Houston Happenings_10-31-18

TWU nursing faculty members Leslie Nelson, Brenda Moore, Susan Mellott, Rheatte Solomon, Vi Ho and Suzanne Scheller, along with several students in the J2,S1 and S2 levels, participated in the Annual

Houston Happenings_10-24-18

Under the leadership of Patricia Bowyer and Theresa Smith (occupational therapy), the TWU Houston School of Occupational Therapy and the Woodcock Institute for the Advancement of Neurocognitive

Houston Happenings_10-17-18

Today is your last opportunity to have a headshot taken. No appointment is necessary. Photos are being taken from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in room IHSH 3121. Wyona Freysteinson (nursing) has been selected

Houston Happenings_10-10-18

Theresa Smith (occupational therapy) was part of a multi-discipline research team that has published an article entitled “Stroke Survivor and Caregiver Perspectives on Post-Stroke Visual Concerns and

Houston Happenings_10-03-18

Headshots are happening, Houston! Mark your calendar to come take that winning photo anytime between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16 in room 3322, or Wednesday, Oct. 17 in room 3121. No