TWU’s Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) team has created a toolbox of online resources to support you this semester.
In addition to one-on-one online meetings with your instructional design partner, you also can visit these resources throughout the semester as needed. You can bookmark these links on your computer(s) or find these links (and many more) at
Getting Started with Canvas self-guided course
Our Getting Started with Canvas self-guided course will introduce you to the Canvas learning management system and provide resources on creating, designing and facilitating Canvas courses at Texas Woman’s University. You can move through the content at your own pace and return to content throughout the semester to review. There are five content modules with step-by-step guides and optional videos; helpful checklists for before, during and after the semester; and links to Canvas and university resources.
Classroom Technology at TWU
Classroom Technology at TWU offers support as you operate the technology in the classroom, including audio and video settings, the projector, the document camera, and portable devices. This workshop describes teaching and learning activities using classroom technology, guidance on what to do when you arrive in the classroom, tips for managing audio sources and displaying the projector during class, and guidance on what to do before you leave the classroom.
Teaching & Learning Guides
Our Teaching & Learning Guides cover a variety of teaching topics with summaries of best practices, links to helpful online resources, and information about TLT resources available to instructors at TWU. Current guides include information about Universal Design, providing effective student feedback, alternatives to traditional testing and more.
The TLT Twitter account is updated every business day with helpful tips and research-based best practices for instructors teaching face-to-face, hybrid and online courses. You do not need a Twitter account to read our posts – you can view them on the TLT homepage. Once you have created your own Twitter account, you can follow us and follow the hashtag #CanvasQuickTip for the fastest way to receive tips that will help you use Canvas more effectively and efficiently.
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel is updated throughout the semester with videos on Universal Design, Canvas Quick Tips and helpful webinars for instructors (e.g., Gradebook & SpeedGrader). All of our videos are closed captioned. You can subscribe to our channel and save our playlists to your YouTube account so you have quick access to content that you can revisit throughout the semester.