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Faculty, staff publications highlighted — October-December 2023

Texas Woman’s University faculty/staff are leaders in their fields, with an extensive list of publications to their credit. This quarterly report provides a sampling of their recent work, reported October-December 2023. Names of TWU faculty/staff/students are in bold.

Note: Information on publications should be submitted no later than one month following the publication date.




Forrest, J., Darvishi, D., Jallow, A. K., & Li, Z. (2023). A Firm's Production, Cost and Profit: A Systems-based Axiomatic Approach. Journal of Business, Economics and Technology, 26 (1), 29-46.


Hasija, D., Brown, L.W. (in press). Political Lobbying by Foreign Firms: A New Firm-level Data Set. Journal of International Management.




Omondi, H., & Freysteinson, W.M. (2024) Understanding obesity in African American women using Leininger’s theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, (1), https://doi.org/10.1177/089431842312073

Freysteinson, W., Enzman Hines, M., Wardell, D., Friesen, M., Conrad, S., Zahourek, R., Gallo, A., & Prather, J. (2023). Identifying holistic nursing research priorities for 2023-2026. Journal of Holistic Nursing.https://doi.org/10.1177/08980101231213725

Abreu, T., Freysteinson, W.M., Clutter, P., & Aulbach, R. (2023) Demystifying the experience of participating in a root cause analysis: A hermeneutic phenomenological study. Applied Nursing Research, 74, 151746 

Tyner, T. E., Freysteinson, W. M., Evans, S. C., & Woo, J. (2023). My body, my choice: A qualitative study of women’s mastectomy with flat closure experiences. Body Image46, 419-433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.07.009


Talleff, J., Espinoza, L., & Ollive, M. (2023). A Case Study: Multidisciplinary Faculty Members’ Study Abroad Experiences in a Nursing CourseInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education8(2), 59–73. https://doi.org/10.32674/jimphe.v8i2.5109


Mikyoung Lee, PhD (Dallas),  MinKyung Song, Hannah Bessette, Mary R Davis, Tracy E Tyner, Amy Reid

Use of wearables for monitoring cardiometabolic health: A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol 179, 105218


Mikyoung Lee, PhD (Dallas),  et al.

Nurses' Roles in mHealth App Development: Scoping Review. JMIR Nursing, Vol 6, e46058


Political Science


Bernhard Forchtner and Jonathan Olsen

"Double Vision: Local Environment and Global Climate Change Through the German far-right Lens," in Bernhard Forchtner (ed.), Visualising Far-Right Environments. Communication and the Politics of Nature. (Manchester: Manchester University Press): 229-252.




Morsheda Akhter, PhD, Philip Yang

“The Bangladeshi Diaspora in the United States: History and Portrait” in Genealogy 7(4), 81: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy7040081


Teacher Education


An article by Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD, and colleagues Beth A. Jones and Belinda Rudinger from Texas A&M—Commerce titled “Adapting Read Naturally for Students with Low Vision:  Implications from a Pilot Study,” was published this week in Visual Impairment and Deafblind Education Quarterly, Volume 68 (4).


Randa Keeley, PhD, Rebecca Alvarado-Alcantar, PhD, Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD, and Paul Yeatts, PhD (Center for Research & Design Analysis)

Measuring the implementation of inclusive strategies in secondary classrooms using an observation rubric,” Special Education Research Policy and Practice Journal, 2023 Edition, Volume 7


Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD, Johnnie Pettigrew, EdD (adjunct), and Michelle Loveless (doctoral student)

“Using Simulation to Support Assessment Discussion with Parents in an Educational Diagnostician Preparation Program, The DiaLog (Membership required for access.)