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TWU's YouTube channel showcases university

You may be familiar with TWU’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sites, but have you checked out the university’s YouTube channel?


'Bring Your Dog to Work Day' scheduled July 2

Friday, July 2 not only kicks off a long holiday weekend – it’s also the final “Bring Your Dog to Work” day until the fall semester.


Center sponsors free political campaign workshops for women

The free online workshops, to be held in July, will provide practical advice about topics critical to preparing and running an election campaign.

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New policy website launches soon

The new university policy website will make it much easier to find applicable policies using features such as search functions and sort capability.

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Alternative work arrangements available for staff

In anticipation of TWU employees returning to work on their respective campuses Aug. 9, human resources officials have developed a policy to assist departments in developing alternative work arrangements for staff.

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New center benefits students, university

The Digital Engagement Center on TWU’s Denton campus is providing jobs for students and also benefiting the university in fundraising and recruitment.

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TWU Libraries to host 'Read Across Texas' discussions

The focus of this year’s event is recovery, an intentionally broad topic that allows groups to explore unique questions and challenges during a period of extreme difficulties, isolation and loss.


Regent, husband launch scholarship program

Texas Woman’s University System Regent Vice Chair Stacie Dieb McDavid and her husband, David McDavid, establish the Dieb-McDavid Scholarship Program.

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Juneteenth celebrations mark slavery's end

TWU will host 'A Historical Exploration of Juneteenth,' a virtual talk featuring historian and genealogy expert Donald Payton.


Top stories of spring 2021 reflect varied interests

While the COVID-19 pandemic has topped the list of most-read stories for the past year, top stories for spring 2021 were a mixed bag.