New men's organization the first at TWU

There is a new organization at TWU Dallas with a focus of its own that seeks to set itself apart, at least at TWU.

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Chancellor shares regents meeting highlights

Chancellor Carine Feyten shared highlights from the Texas Woman’s Board of Regents meeting held May 16-17 on the Dallas campus.

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Bring your dog to work May 26

We’re heading into a long holiday weekend, but before observing Memorial Day on Monday, celebrate bringing your dog to work with you on Friday, May 26.

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Sign up for TWU's Summer Book Club

Time is running out to join TWU’s Summer Book Club! Sign up by Thursday, May 25.

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Library renovation moves to first floor

The renovation at Blagg-Huey Library continues this summer, moving to the first floor of the library.


Donate your old magazines to Career Connections

Magazines may be dropped off at the Career Connections office by June 16.

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TWQ slates interest meeting

TWQ, the Texas Woman’s affinity group for LGBTQ+ employees and allies, will host an interest meeting via Zoom to kick off LGBTQ+ Pride Month.

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CAPS podcast focuses on mental health

The May installment of the TWU CAPS project “When Life Feels Messy …” focuses on mental health.

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Finance & Administration debuts newsletter

Finance & Administration started a monthly newsletter to give you the latest updates and new initiatives from the division.

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Board of Regents meeting in Dallas

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet Tuesday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 17 in room 3620 on the Dallas campus.

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