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Boo at the U canceled due to COVID-19

TWU’s traditional Boo at the U celebration has been canceled this year, but the community event will be replaced by Pioneer Fright Week, featuring a series of events for students, employees and alumni.

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Virtual Volunteer Fair scheduled Oct. 5

The Center for Student Development will host its annual Volunteer Fair in an online format this year.

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Dallas nursing students serve at the Network

Senior II nursing students recently spent the day at the Network in Richardson as part of their community health course clinical rotation.

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Annual 'She Said' conference goes online

The TWU Center for Women Entrepreneurs invites women to Be Disruptive.

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Chancellor's BOLDLY GO newsletter celebrates diversity

Chancellor Carine Feyten’s latest BOLDLY GO celebrates diversity — and TWU’s ranking as No. 1 in Texas and No. 6 nationally for ethnic diversity, according to U.S. News & World Report.

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Care packages go to students in quarantine

Texas Woman’s University students in quarantine due to the coronavirus pandemic recently received a show of support and words of encouragement from a group of faculty and staff.


Center launches new round of StartHER grants

The StartHER Grant Program encourages women-owned businesses in Texas to undertake new and innovative projects.

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Chancellor signs WCC letter mourning loss of Justice Ginsburg

Texas Woman’s University Chancellor Carine M. Feyten is among college and university leaders signing a joint statement from Women’s College Coalition member institutions on the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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Book-in-Common activities set to begin

Activities get underway this week for TWU’s Book-In-Common program, a university-wide initiative developed to foster a learning environment focused on the success of students to live, work and lead in a diverse and complex world.

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Maroon and White Luncheons go online this fall

The move will give Pioneers fans everywhere a chance to hear the latest news and information about TWU Athletics.

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