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Athletics to celebrate teams' successes

In celebration of the support from the TWU Community, all are invited to a Striving for Excellence Celebration on Wednesday, April 13.

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Library seeks to build photography book collection

The TWU Libraries and the Visual Arts Division are seeking support to build a new collection of books focusing on the field of photography.

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Division of Music schedules concerts

It’s springtime and music is in the air with two events in one week.


Event to feature 'Free Mom Hugs'

In celebration of the TWU Drag Show, the Health and Wellbeing Initiative has invited Sara Cunningham, founder of Free Mom Hugs, to the Denton campus for a meet-and-greet.

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TWU to host summer camps

Looking for educational and fun activities for your children this summer? Texas Woman’s University provides a variety of camps for children of all ages.

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Future Classroom Lab expands educational reach

The Future Classroom Lab at Texas Woman’s University (TWUFCL) is expanding its educational reach with plans for a new summer camp and new 3D technology added to the lab.

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Business Mail Office to move in preparation for construction

To prepare for upcoming construction projects on the Denton campus, the Business Mail Office currently located on the first floor of the Administrative Conference Tower (ACT) will relocate to the first floor of Old Main (OMB), room 109.

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Faculty, staff invited to teach UNIV 1231

If you have a master’s degree and would like to contribute to a critical step in retention efforts at Texas Woman’s, consider teaching a UNIV 1231 (First Year Experience) section in fall 2022.


TWU Theatre presents 'Vital Signs'

The TWU Theatre Program is presenting its final presentation of the season and also collecting items for Minerva's Market, a free pantry for students.


Celebrate National Crayon Day

TWU Libraries is introducing its new coloring book and accepting donations of old, broken crayons.

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