
Knee pain sufferers needed for research

Do you have knee pain? Are you between 45-79 years old? If so, sign up for this research study that evaluates watermelon's effects on joint function.

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REP spring competition opens

The primary purpose of the Research Enhancement Program is to provide seed money for faculty members to compete more successfully for larger research grants from external sources to continue their research.

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Applications for creative arts grants program available

Application materials are available for the 2020-2021 Creative Arts and Humanities Grants Program.


Proposal Development Grant Program applications due

Application materials are available for the Proposal Development Grant Program for Summer 2020. Proposals to this competition are due Tuesday, March 3.


Denton IRB seeks input

The Denton Institutional Review Board wants your help in determining the most relevant and most needed training opportunities.

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Weight management study needs participants

If you struggle with your weight, you may be eligible to participate in a research study examining the beneficial effect of mushroom in assisting weight management.