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Wrapping up the 2019 SECC drive are, from left: Chancellor Carine M. Feyten, TWU campaign co-chair Nora Sierra, United Way representatives Nina Austin and Kristin Jones, and TWU campaign co-chairs David Rylander and Scott Martin.

SECC wraps up for 2019

Texas Woman’s University’s participation in the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) wrapped up Tuesday, Nov. 12, with a check for $80,388.58 presented to the campaign.

There's still time to contribute. Return your forms to co-chair Nora Sierra on ACT 10 by Friday, Nov. 15.

Sierra (office of the vice provost for institutional research and improvement) thanked those who participated in fundraising events, including the 1K/5K Fun Run/Walk, TriBALLathon, and Chili Cook-Off, Dessert Bake-Off & Basket Auction. Sierra noted the Bettye Myers Challenge featured a sliding scale this year to encourage participation, and it appears to have worked — 17 departments recorded 90% participation or higher. The university’s overall participation was 32%.

Chancellor Carine M. Feyten called the campaign “a labor of love and a labor of service to the community.” She thanked campaign Torchbearers for their hard work, and paid special tribute to co-chairs Sierra, David Rylander (business) and Scott Martin (office of the executive vice provost). “Without your leadership, this wouldn’t have happened," Feyten said.

The chancellor also thanked the United Way “for being a strong partner.” United Way representatives Nina Austin (SECC coordinator/administrator) and Kristin Jones also joined in the celebration.