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Pioneers Remembered set for Dec. 5

Each year, Texas Woman’s sponsors Pioneers Remembered, a memorial service that acknowledges those in our TWU community who have passed away and provides an opportunity for friends and family to gather and share in remembrance. 

This year’s program will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Little Chapel-in-the-Woods and will honor students, faculty and staff who died between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024.

As in previous years, the service will open with a few words from campus leaders. Then, when names are read, an individual representing that person will symbolically place a red or white rose in an arrangement to commemorate their passing. 

See TWU's Pioneers Remembered page for a complete list of this year’s memorials and consider adding a tribute to the guest book and/or submitting an RSVP to the ceremony.

TWU’s first digital Pioneers Remembered page was compiled in 2021. Memories submitted for this year’s page will follow a similar format and will remain accessible to provide a lasting, digital memorial.

If you know of a student, faculty, staff or retired faculty/staff who passed away between June 1, 2022, and May 31, 2023, that is not included on the list, or if you have questions, email aevans18@twu.edu.