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Board of Regents to meet Nov. 11-12 in Houston

The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet Nov. 11-12 in room 10307 on the Houston campus. The meeting will be available via livestream.

Meetings of the Academic Affairs Committee and the Finance and Audit Committee will begin at 1 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 11. The full board will meet at 9 a.m., Friday, Nov. 12.

Items on the agenda include:

  • Recommend approval of the East Campus Outdoor Activities Project on the Texas Woman’s University Denton Campus
  • Recommend Approval of Student Union at Hubbard Hall Upgrade and Improvement Projects
  • Recommend Approval of New Bachelor of Arts in Multicultural Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Recommend Approval of Online Delivery of the Existing Master of Science in Speech/Language Pathology
  • Recommend Approval for Faculty for Tenure