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In the News: Monica Mendez-Grant, Carolyn Kapinus

Monica Mendez-Grant (student life) and Carolyn Kapinus (provost) were quoted in a June 28 Denton Record-Chronicle story, “TWU weighs calls for real-life commencement ceremony.”

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In the News: Brigitte Vittrup

Research conducted by Brigitte Vittrup (child development) about talking to children about race was cited in recent news articles.

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In the News: Ann Amuta

Ann Amuta (health promotion & kinesiology) was quoted in a recent story about the two types of discrimination experienced by African immigrants to the United States.

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In the News: Becky Rodriguez

Becky Rodriguez (Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach) was quoted in a story about the Supreme Court DACA decision, which appeared in the June 18 issue of the Denton Record-Chronicle.


In the News: Lamar Muro

Lamar Muro (counseling and development) wrote an op-ed about systemic racism that appeared in the June 21 issue of The Dallas Morning News.

In the News: Tracy Irby

Tracy Irby (Center for Women Entrepreneurs) wrote a column, “Helping sustain small businesses in your community after COVID-19,” which was published in the June 17 issue of the Denton Record-Chronicle.


In the News: Margaret Basiliadis

Margaret Basiliadis (Student Health Center) was quoted in “Seniors draw on decades of resilience and tough lessons” in a June 10 Dallas Morning News story.

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In the News: Brigitte Vittrup

Brigitte Vittrup (child development) was quoted in “‘White Kids Are Using the N-Word at School!’ How to Talk About Discrimination,” a June 15 article in Your Teen Magazine.

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In the News: Brigitte Vittrup

Brigitte Vittrup (child development) was interviewed for segments on children and race on WGN-TV in Chicago and New York Public Radio's "The Takeaway" on WNYC.

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In the News: Ronald Palomares

Ronald Palomares (psychology) was quoted in “How to Help Your Child Deal with a Traumatic Situation,” the cover story in the June issue of DFW Child magazine.

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