
Stay safe during spring storms

Spring has sprung, and storms are popping up everywhere. Do you know what to do? TWU Emergency Management’s Severe Weather Guide provides information and resources to help you weather these spring

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Prepare for March severe weather drills in Denton

To prepare the campus for severe weather, TWU Office of Emergency Management is conducting tornado drills in Denton campus buildings through March 29. Drills should last no more than 20


Reporting incidents and near misses

While TWU tries hard to keep its community safe, accidents do occasionally happen. If you are confused about how to report injuries, incidents or near-misses on campus, see below.What steps do I need

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Keep safety in mind while navigating campus

Now that the fall semester is in full swing — bringing with it crowds of students, faculty and staff — TWU’s Office of Risk Management offers the following safety tips to keep in mind when navigating

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Preventing heat-related illness

While you may be familiar with Texas’ brutally hot summers, are you familiar with the symptoms of heat-related illness? TWU Risk Management encourages you to be familiar with the following:What is

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