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J. Wilkes Berry Scholarship applications due Dec. 10

Applications for the ASSET (Association of Service and Support Employees of Texas Woman’s University) J. Wilkes Berry Memorial Endowment Fund Scholarship are due by 5 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 10.

The scholarship is awarded in the fall for the spring semester to a permanent full- or part-time TWU staff member enrolled in undergraduate or graduate courses; however, first priority will be given to those seeking a bachelor’s degree.

Applicants do not have to be members of ASSET to be eligible for the scholarship. What you do need to do is complete the J. Wilkes Berry Scholarship application, which includes:

  • The application form
  • An essay of approximately 250-300 words concerning your academic interests, professional goals and work experience to demonstrate your ability and commitment to your chosen field
  • Three recommendations using the J. Wilkes Berry recommendation form
  • Forms and additional information are available on the ASSET scholarship web page.

Return all materials by the Dec. 10 deadline to Judy Pentecost, ASSET scholarship committee chair, at jpentecost@twu.edu.