
Research Enhancement Program Spring 2024 awardees announced

The Research Enhancement Program Spring 2024 winners were announced by Research and Sponsored Programs:

  • Yong (Nathan) Li, PhD, and Nila Ricks, PhD (Social Work): Testing An Integrated Cultural Model for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among American Asian Emerging Adults
  • Zane Lybrand, PhD (Biology): Understanding DLG4 Mutations and Their Impact on Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  • Zhipeng Tao, PhD (Nutrition and Food Sciences): The Role of HMGB3 autopalmitoylation in uveal melanoma
  • Danhui Wang, PhD (Nutrition and Food Sciences): Development of rapid and facile method for in situ analysis of exopolysaccharide produced from lactic acid bacteria in fermented milk
  • Lisa Rosen, PhD and Linda Rubin, PhD (Psychology and Philosophy): Peer Victimization: Child and Parental Health and Adjustment
  • Juliet Spencer, PhD (Biology): Investigation of Cytomegalovirus in Invasive Breast Cancer

The primary purpose of the Research Enhancement Program (REP) is to provide seed funding (up to $15,000) so that faculty members will be able to compete more successfully for larger research grants from external sources for continuation of their research. The REP provides support for all types of faculty research. 

All full-time tenured faculty, research faculty, and tenure-track faculty members at TWU are eligible to apply and serve as primary investigators and co-investigators. Tenured and research faculty will be evaluated separately from tenure-track faculty who are not yet tenured (thus considered a "new investigator") with funds being designated separately for each group.

The fall deadline is in October 2024.

Visit the Research Enhancement Program page for more information.