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Phased return to research planned

As Texas Woman’s continues its gradual reopening, officials have developed a plan for a phased return to research.

Only a handful of research studies were able to continue when the COVID-19 pandemic led university officials to begin conducting all classes online in March. Now that most TWU employees are expected to be back on campus July 1 — barring any new outbreaks or recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention — most research will resume at that time.

A series of Zoom meetings will take place beginning 3-4 p.m., Thursday, June 4, to provide information and offer the opportunity for questions from faculty on all TWU campuses. Directors and staff from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, the Center for Research Design and Analysis and the Center for Student Research

See the May 29 email from Holly Hansen-Thomas, vice provost for research and innovation, for login information for the June 4 Q&A and a schedule of future meetings.