Texas Woman’s will be highlighting several graduates who represent the many wonderful stories of our May graduating class, and the university needs the help of faculty and staff in identifying outstanding graduates.
The profiles will be used to promote the university and commencement exercises in the media, on the Texas Woman's website, and through social media.
Student profiles will chronicle the graduates’ accomplishments, achieved success despite obstacles, or some other compelling story the graduate may have to share.
If you know a graduate who is a good subject to feature, please forward their name, email (cell phone would help, too), major, and a sentence or two describing what is compelling about that student. Marketing & Communication will review the nominees and contact those graduates to be featured.
The goal is to highlight soon-to-be graduates who represent a variety of majors and degree levels in each commencement ceremony. Nominations are needed by Friday, March 24, and can be forwarded to twunews@twu.edu.