The Employees Retirement System (ERS) is providing virtual summer enrollment webinars. Registration is now available on the ERS events calendar.
Summer benefit enrollment for TWU launches June 29 and ends July 11. You can enroll in new benefits programs or make changes to your current coverages. Any changes you make will be effective Sept. 1, 2020, and will be reflected in your Oct. 1, 2020, paycheck. For more information on your enrollment options visit the ERS Summer Enrollment website.
Other summer enrollment information of note:
Changes to the Health Coverage in plan year 2021 (Beginning September 2020)
BCBSTX will begin managing mental health benefits for all HealthSelect plans. Currently, Magellan manages mental health benefits in the HealthSelect plans. This transition will not change participants’ mental health care benefits. Covered services and member costs (any deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance) will remain the same.
In addition, HealthSelect participants will save money on health costs and get a financial reward when they shop for and choose lower-cost in-network providers. The HealthSelect ERS handout will be included in your summer enrollment packet coming to your home, from ERS, during the month of June.
Tobacco user status will include e-cigarettes and vaping
Starting September 1, 2020, HealthSelect and Consumer Directed HealthSelect participants who use electronic cigarettes or vaping products will be considered tobacco users and must certify as such. If you or your covered dependents use these products and are currently certified as a non-user, you will need to change the status to tobacco user and begin paying the tobacco premium effective September 1, 2020. Tobacco premiums are included on the rate sheet that was sent out.
Health Care Reimbursement Accounts
The IRS has increased contribution limits for health care and limited purpose flexible spending accounts from $2,700 to $2,750. You may increase or decrease your contribution to these TexFlex accounts during summer enrollment. If you do not change your annual contribution, the amount will remain the same. Those already contributing $2,700 will remain at $2,700 if you do not log into ERS and increase your annual contribution. A carryover of up to $500 is allowed from the plan year ending August 31, 2020, and up to $550 from the plan year ending August 2021.
Dependent Care Accounts
The maximum election remains at $5,000 for PY 2021, while participants continue to have a grace period through November 15, 2020, to spend unused funds.
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
HSAs are only available to members enrolled in Consumer Directed HealthSelect. The state contributions for PY21 remain the same at $45 a month ($540 a year) for individual coverage or $90 a month ($1,080 a year) for family coverage (the member plus at least one covered family member). The annual maximum contribution limit for calendar year 2020 (through December 31, 2020) is $3,550 for individuals and $7,100 for families.
State of Texas Vision
The in-network allowance will increase from $150 to $200 for frames or contact lenses.
Optional Benefits
There are no plan changes to Optional Life, Dependent Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability.
Beginning June 22, you can begin the EOI (Evidence of Insurability) process to add or makes changes to optional life, dependent life or short and/or long-term Disability coverage. The EOI process is managed by Minnesota Life, an affiliate of Securian, Inc. The EOI underwriter for short-term and long-term disability coverage is Guardian Life Insurance.
If you choose to increase or elect Optional Term Life Insurance, Dependent Term Life Insurance or disability insurance during summer enrollment, EOI (Evidence of Insurability) is required. When you log onto ERS online to make changes to one of these benefits, you will see a pop-up EOI message directing you to click the initiate EOI link at the top of the page. You will then need to choose yes to initiate the EOI form, and based on your selection, the form will either be emailed or mailed directly to your home.