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Faculty, staff publications highlighted — July-September 2024

Texas Woman’s University faculty/staff are leaders in their fields, with an extensive list of publications to their credit. This quarterly report provides a sampling of their recent work, reported July-September 2024. Names of TWU faculty/staff/students are in bold.

Note: Information on publications should be submitted no later than one month following the publication date.




Bhooma Srinivasan, PhD, Karen Dunlap, EdD, and Shazia Ahmed, PhD. "AI, AI Everywhere, Which One Do I Use?" Academic Leader, September 16, 2024.


Juliet V. Spencer, Jianfang Liu, Brenda Deyarmin, Hai Hu, Craig D. Shriver, Stella Somiari. "Cytokine levels in breast cancer are highly dependent on cytomegalovirus (CMV) status" Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, August 2024, in press.


Remya Ammassam Veettil, PhD, Sumod Sebastian,PhD, Thomas McCallister, Santaneel Ghosh, DiAnna L. Hynds. "Uptake of surface-functionalized thermo-responsive polymeric nanocarriers in corticospinaltract motor neurons." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.




Bhooma Srinivasan, PhD, Karen Dunlap, EdD, and Shazia Ahmed, PhD. "AI, AI Everywhere, Which One Do I Use?" Academic Leader, September 16, 2024.


Mandy Stewart, PhD & Barbara Muszyńska, PhD. (2024). Teaching ideas for biliteracy: Leveraging students’ languages and lives. <I>Educational Forum, </I>36 (no. 2(70)), 77–95.


Latchman, Q., Dillon, S., Goo, M., Nichols, D., & Ekins, C. (2024). Examining the effect of Drums Alive® Intervention on verbal communication and task engagement in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics, 7(3).


Myers, A. (2024). Is resistance futile? Exploring Ellison's stories in a high school ELA classroom through a culturally and historically responsive framework. In T. Floreani (Ed.), Approaches to teaching the works of Ralph Ellison. Modern Language Association.


Stewart, M. A., *Abbasher, D., *Jaimes, M., & Hughes, M. (2024), Supporting early biliteracy in English-medium classrooms: Initiatives for family engagement and instructional innovations. The Reading Teacher, 77, 1039-1043. 


Stewart, M. A. (2024). Enacting critical consciousness to name and act on my monolingual ideologies: An example from a scholar's teaching and research. In B. Muszynska & H. Hansen-Thomas (Ed.), Putting critical language pedagogy into practice. Routledge.


*Hill, A., & Peterson-Ahmad, M. (2024). Using the Full Individual Evaluation (FIE) process to create strong family-school partnerships. The Dialog. 


*Hill, A., & Peterson-Ahmad, M. (2024). Mentoring adult learners in navigating asynchronous coursework to ensure student success. Faculty Focus.


Peterson-Ahmad, M., Franklin, T., & *Addo, A. (2024). Elevating high impact teaching through continuous improvement. Faculty Focus.


Peterson-Ahmad, M., & Keeley, R. (2024). Inclusive science education for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. In B. Hott and P. Williamson (Eds.), Quality instruction and intervention: Strategies for elementary educators. Rowman & Littlefield.


English, Rhetoric & Spanish


Angela Rodriguez Mooney, PhD. “Transgender Narratives in Brazilian Cinema: An Analysis of Trans Youth representation in Valentina and Alice Junior.” Luso-Brazilian Review. Vol. 61, no. 1, 2024, p. 4-32.


Human Sciences


Verdin, A. (2024). Incomplete, half-breed, and cholo: Racialization and mestizaje among Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Peruvians. In R.E. Hall & N. Mishra (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of colorism (1st ed., pp. 360-378). Routledge. 


Daniels, S., Mothi, S., Franqui-Rios, N., Gaitskill, E., Cantrell, K., & Kaye, E. (2024). Access to legacy-oriented interventions at end of life for pediatric oncology patients: A decedent cohort review. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 


Cantrell, K., Sisk, C., & Wittenberg Camp, B. (2024). Improving child life internship: A look at recent research. ACLP Bulleting, 42(1), 22-26.


Figueroa, L., Poskey, G., Rose, K., & Pickens, N. (2024). Mechanisms of change in nature-based pediatric occupational therapy: The ecology of change in outdoor therapy model. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 


*Hastings, H., Lucero Jones, R., & Dutton, C. (2024). Women’s experience with religion and spirituality when perceiving their husband’s pornography use as problematic: A qualitative study. Journal of Social & Personal Relationships, 41(4), 730-753.


Library & Information Studies


Becker, K. (2024). Does time matter when greeting patrons? Observations from a two-year study in Texas public libraries. Journal of Library Administration, 64(1), 52-65.


Miksa, S., Klein, J., Kizhakkethil, P., McLain, C., Bank, N., & DeWitt-Miller, E. (2024). The intersection of bibliographic control research and information behavior research: An analysis of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly articles from 1980 to 2023. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.


Markow, T. (Host). (2024, July). Dr. Tara Zimmerman: No More Misinformation [Audio podcast episode]. In Critically Speaking.


Management & Marketing


Lambert, J. R., Brown, L., Lambert, T., & TorresNava, C.. “The effect of ethical leadership on nurse bullying, burnout, and turnover intentions.” Journal of Nursing Management.




Ellina Grigorieva, PhD, published peer-reviewed paper titled “Parametrization of the Reachability Set of a Bilinear Control System in Adaptive Cancer Therapy”  (pp 359-363) on Sept. 13 in the Proceedings of the International Conference “Dynamic Systems: Stability, Control, Differential Games” (SCDG2024).


Ellina Grigorieva, PhD, had a chapter entitled “Controlled Lotka-Volterra Competition Models in Adaptive Cancer Therapy” accepted for publication in the book BIO-CYBERNETICS to be published in November 2024 by De Gruyter.




Cole, D. R., Rafe, M. M., & Yang-Heim, G. Y. A. (2024). Educational Research and the Question (s) of Time. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.


Lee, M. A., Vyas, P., D'Agostino, F., Wieben, A., Coviak, C., Mullen-Fortino, M., Park, S., Sileo, M., Brown, S., De Souza, E. N., Pruinelli, L., & Role, J. (2024). Data literacy and data science literacy for nurses: State of the art literature review. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 315, 195–199. https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI240133


Wyatt, T. H., Bakker, C., Breth, M., Carroll, W., Gao, G., Lee, M. A., Martin, C., & Tiase, V. (2024). Nurses and mHealth app development: A white paper. https://twu-ir.tdl.org/items/20c9653a-618a-4ff9-8166-fbe64fc21788   


Brooks, A.N. (2024). Escaping the closed world of intimate partner violence. American Journal of Nursing, 124(8):64. Doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0001027744.06478.52


Shalom Anyiam, Jennifer Woo, PhD, Becky Spencer, PhD. Listening to Black Women's Perspectives of Birth Centers and Midwifery Care: Advocacy, Protection, and Empowerment. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. April 30, 2024.


Social Sciences & Historical Studies


Jonathan Olsen, PhD, published "Against the promethean: Energy throughput and the far-right politics of degrowth." Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, July 2024; DOI: 10.1177/25148486241266794.


Ellina Grigorieva, PhD, and Jonathan Olsen, PhD, co-authored (with Michael Hansen) the book, "Political Entrepreneurship in the Age of Dealignment. The Populist Far-Right Alternative for Germany," (Palgrave: 2024).




Philip Yang, PhD and Sharon Henderson (Ph.D. candidate in sociology) published an article entitled “Race, Gender, Class, and Perceived Everyday Discrimination” in Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 11(3): 51-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/1801