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Students selected for prestigious seminar

Four Texas Woman's University students have been awarded competitive scholarships by the Center for Women in Government (CWG) to attend the Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN) Public Policy Seminar in Washington, D.C. The five-day immersive program connects future leaders with top policy professionals from Congress, federal agencies, the courts, private sector, research institutions, nonprofits, and media organizations.

The selected students – McKenzie Arata, Prianka Datta, Karyme Flores, and Petra Kelly – will gain firsthand insight into how national public policy is shaped and implemented while building valuable professional networks with industry leaders.

"This program creates transformative opportunities for women who aspire to create meaningful policy change," said Marlene Phillips, Director of the Center for Women in Government. "By connecting our students directly with decision-makers in Washington, we're helping cultivate the next generation of policy leaders."

The Center for Women in Government, a program within the Jane Nelson Institute of Women's Leadership, has a long-standing partnership with PLEN to provide seminar scholarships in various policy areas including global policy, health policy, and public policy. These opportunities are available to students enrolled in Texas colleges and universities.

Students are selected based on their demonstrated leadership potential, policy interests, and commitment to public service. The program covers participants' seminar registration, accommodations, and travel expenses.