
Nominations open for Feyten-Wick wellbeing award

Staff Council is accepting nominations through February 28 for the Feyten-Wick Health & Wellbeing Endowed Champion Award.

This award has been endowed by Chancellor Feyten and Ambassador Wick to recognize staff members’ contributions.

Celebrate esteemed staff members for their contributions to the health and wellbeing of your division, their departments, TWU students, vendors, and the internal clients they serve.

Nomination forms are available in either English or Spanish. Forms include explanations of award criteria, and you only need to select ONE area of excellence for your nominee.

A written nomination of only 200 words or a video of under three minutes will enter your valued staff member into the running. As a reminder, two staff members will be recognized this year for their contributions, one exempt and one non-exempt. Recognition comes with a commemorative gift and $750 for each recipient.