Houston Happenings, 1-4-18

  • Patricia Bowyer (occupational therapy) has been awarded the status of Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). This is an international award. In addition, Bowyer, has published a book chapter, Work and Retirement, in Functional Performance in Older Adults, 4thEdition.
  • TWU’s own Anita Hufft (nursing) will be a featured panelist during the Jan. 9 session of the Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute’s 13-session health policy course. The course will cover the fundamentals of U.S. health policy and will be led by experts from across the TMC. The event is open to the public and participants can choose to attend as many sessions as they like, either in person or via live broadcast. More information, including a registration link, can be found on the TMC Health Policy Institute website