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Fashion expands annual Senior Show

This year, the Texas Woman's University Division of Fashion Design and Merchandising's annual Senior Fashion Show is celebrating more than its senior designers.

In addition to students creating new garments in the Collection Design and Development course, this year's show is tapping into its Event Planning, Production Techniques and Retail Product Management courses.

"We have typically only shown fashion design garments and the work that the fashion design students produce for their capstone," Remy Odukomaiya, MFA and lecturer I, said. "This year, we're including merchandising. All senior students taking fashion design and merchandising will be showing their work. It's good for the department because it shows a more rounded view of what we do, that we don't only make garments. We are also into the business of fashion. That's the very special thing about this year's show."

The 2024 show, "Unearthed Auras", takes place Friday, May 3, on the first floor of the Blagg-Huey Library, and will include pop-up shops with storefronts and interiors organized, designed and stocked by TWU fashion students.