Denton Details 3-14-18

  • Global Connections invites you to a reading discussion and lecture with William Benner, assistant professor of Spanish and director of the Spanish program at TWU, at 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 19 in ACT 301. Benner’s talk, “Inheriting Trauma: Argentine Activists Interpret the Hidden Consequences of State Sponsored Genocide,” will explore the effects of state terror in Argentina and how some children of the victims, children of the disappeared, have looked to art to express the hidden consequences of the trauma associated with their parents’ disappearance.
  • Teacher education faculty Peggy Malone and Laura Trujillo-Jenks will present “Building Positive Organizational Culture through Authentic Communication” at the Texas Women in Higher Education Conference April 15-17 in Frisco. They also, with TWU educational leadership alumna Christy Croll, will present “Negotiation, Collaboration and Networking: Finding Balance and Opportunity” at the Women in the Academy Conference Saturday, April 7 at Baylor University.