Denton Details, 2-7-18

  • Reminder: Spring head shots will be taken from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Feb. 13 and 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14 in the ACT second-floor lobby. If you need to have your official university photograph taken, now's your chance!
  • The Marketing & Communication department is putting together a list of camps being held during spring break or summer break. We will publish this list on the website and send the list to appropriate media outlets. If your department is hosting a camp you would like to include, contact Laura Hickman.
  • The Department of Dance will present "Day of the Dance" at 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 17 at the Black Box Theatre, 318 E. Hickory St. Admission is a suggested $5 donation.
  • Family Sciences faculty Pedro Blanco and Ryan Holliman presented "Gift Giving and Receiving in Therapy" at the third annual Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference Jan. 30-Feb. 2 at the University of Holy Cross in New Orleans.
  • Laura Trujillo-Jenks (teacher education) and her husband, Kenneth Jenks, won an Outstanding Academic Title award from Choice for their book, Case Studies on Safety, Bullying, and Social Media in Schools: Current Issues in Educational Leadership.
  • Celia Lo (sociology) co-wrote a paper, "Do Social Work Education, Job Description, and Ethnic/Racial Matching Foster Child-Welfare Caseworkers' Therapeutic Alliances?" that has been accepted for publication in Child & Family Social Work.