Dallas Digest 10-17-18

  • Cory Church (nursing) has been published in the October issue of the Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. The article, "Factors influencing organizational commitment and turnover in nursing residents," was co-authored with two researchers at the University of Texas at Tyler.
  • Dallas staff members have created the Dallas Staff Book Club, which will meet every two to three weeks on Friday mornings from 10-11 a.m. The club will begin with the TWU Book-in-Common, "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks," a New York Times #1 bestseller. Upcoming meetings include Oct. 26 (room 1602), Nov. 9 (room 8720), Nov. 30 (room 8720) and Dec. 14 (room 8720). To RSVP or for more information, contact Karen Zapata.
  •  The first-ever Dallas staff Pumpkin Decorating Contest is set for Friday, Oct. 26. Entries are due by the 26th and will be judged by faculty, staff and students in the first-floor atrium from Oct. 26-29. Prizes for first, second and third place will be awarded Oct. 31.
  • Those seeking assistance with the Canvas transition or with incorporating technology into courses can contact Laura Brown, the new instructional designer for the Dallas campus. She can be found in room 6605, at LBrown48@twu.edu or x6751.
  • Occupational therapy and physical therapy faculty attended the recent the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference in Dallas. Presenters included Suzanne Perea Burns (occupational therapy), "Self-management interventions for stroke recovery and recurrent stroke prevention;" Theresa Marie Smith (occupational therapy), "Integrating and fostering a transdisciplinary model of care improving discharge to community and preparedness;" Suh-Jen Lin (physical therapy), "Exercise capacity in community dwelling individuals with spinal cord injury;" Asha Vas (occupational therapy), "Characterizing and promoting brain health across the lifespan;" and Chad Swank (physical therapy), "Feasibility and integration of utilizing Ekso in an inpatient rehabilitation hospital." Noralyn Pickens (occupational therapy) and Ann Medley and Mark Weber (physical therapy) also attended.