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Author Talks series returns in May

Start your summer reading early and discover fresh new books by authors of New York Times Best Sellers. Find out how you can read these titles through TWU Libraries.

The Author Talks series continues in May, starting with Britt Hawthorne and “Raising Antiracist Children” at noon, Wednesday, May 3. In the book, Hawthorne, a nationally recognized teacher and advocate, presents an interactive guide for strategically incorporating the tools of inclusivity into everyday life and parenting.

Additional authors will be featured throughout the month. See the full schedule and registration information.

Members of the Texas Woman’s Community have access to the books featured in this month’s Author Talks through Libby.

Libby enables you to check out the selections on audiobook or Kindle:

This will give you access to all the titles featured in the monthly Author Talks. Find out more about Libby.