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Scholarship endowment established to support aviation students at TWU

Jane Landry has established the Verna Lee Haggard Sullivan Scholarship Endowment, which has a dedicated focus to support future students in the Doswell School of Aeronautical Sciences at Texas Woman’s. This scholarship, the inaugural endowment of its kind, was established in loving memory of Landry’s aunt, alumna Verna Lee Haggard Sullivan ’49.

Despite the economic hardships of the Great Depression during her formative years, Verna Lee’s parents encouraged both of their daughters, Verna and Arlyne, to pursue a college education. A music enthusiast, Verna Lee joined the Serenaders, the stage band at the then Texas State College for Women (TSCW), now Texas Woman's University, with her expertise in piano and clarinet. After working for a year to save for tuition, she majored in piano and music education, earning her bachelor’s in music education in 1949. She cherished her college years at TWU and maintained lifelong friendships with classmates.

Verna Lee taught music for two years in Brazosport schools in Clute, Texas after graduating and then spent 12 years teaching music, followed by another 27 years teaching in Odessa, Texas. In 1963, she married Lawrence Sullivan, a World War II veteran with a keen interest in aviation. Though not a pilot himself, Lawrence's fascination with flight introduced Verna Lee to the world of aviation. After Lawrence passed away in 1987 and Lee’s retirement in 1993, she began to travel, exploring states across the U.S. and countries in Europe and Africa. Her keen interest in current events and love for reading persisted until her peaceful passing in 2023.