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Faculty/staff presentations highlighted — January-March 2023

Texas Woman's University faculty and staff extend the prestige and reputation of the university through their presentations at international, national and regional conferences. Here is a sampling of their work reported January through March 2023.

Note: Information on presentations should be submitted no later than one month following the event date.




DiAnna Hynds, PhD (Denton) presented a research poster, "BDNF-Derivatized Nanospheres Carrying C3 Transferase Readily Cross a BBB Model and Selectively Increase Neurite Outgrowth from Corticospinal Tract Neurons," at the 2023 meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry, held March 18-22 in Lexington, Kentucky. Hynds also was an invited panelist for “Borrowed Brilliance: Levering Up Your Leadership.” She also was voted the ASN's treasurer-elect at the event.


Mafia Mahabub Rumpa (PhD candidate, graduate research assistant III, Denton) received an Outstanding Research Poster Award at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Microscopy on March 17 in Dallas. Her poster was titled "Building a Pollen Database and Plant-pollinator Network of Interactions Using Scanning Electron Microscopy". Temiloluwa Peace Olaoluwa (PhD candidate, Denton) and Anjola Ifagbayi-Adeniran (undergraduate biology major, Denton) also presented posters at the meeting.


Camelia Maier, PhD, (Denton) and Mafia Mahabub Rumpa (PhD candidate, Denton) presented "Pollinator Oases in Urban Native Gardens" at the Trinity Forks Chapter meeting of the Native Plant Society of Texas on Thursday, Feb. 23, on the TWU Denton campus.


Center for Women Entrepreneurs


Tracy Irby (Denton) was an honorable speaker for “Voice of Mom,” a Janitri International Mompreneur Summit held online Jan. 22. Janitri is a nonprofit organization for mothers, primarily focusing on education, health and empowerment for growth.


College of Professional Education


Gina Anderson, EdD (Denton), Randa Keeley, PhD (Teacher Education, Denton), Phyliciá Anderson (PhD student in Reading Education), Nicole Hall (PhD student in Child Development & Early Education), Kimberly Lawson (PhD student in Reading Education), Kiana Njuko-Ibe (PhD student in Child Development & Early Education) and Marilyn Roberts (PhD student in Special Education), all of the TWU Holmes Scholars program, presented “Equitable Practices: Stories and Experiences from Texas Woman's University Holmes Scholars” at the 75th annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Feb. 24-26 in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Gina Anderson, EdD, Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD, and Randa Keeley, PhD, (Teacher Education) (all of Denton) presented "The Development of an Integrated Data Source as a Self-Study to Inform Educator Preparation Program Improvement Efforts" at the American Association for Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) Symposium Feb. 22-23 in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Maria Peterson-Ahmad, PhD, (Denton) and colleague Vicki Luther (Mercer University) presented a roundtable at the 75th annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Feb. 24-26 in Indianapolis, Indiana: "Continuously Improving: Understanding Programmatic and Practitioner Needs for Sustainability and Equitable Excellence."


Lisa Huffman, PhD, (Denton) participated in a panel along with colleagues Beth Nason Quick (University of Alabama at Hunstville) and Amy Ginsburg (William Patterson University) on "Addressing Teacher Shortages" at the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU) annual winter meeting Feb. 24 in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Literacy and Learning


Victor Lozada, PhD, (Denton) was busy at the National Association of Bilingual Education annual conference Feb. 22-25 in Portland, Ore., making two solo presentations and teaming with a master’s student for a third: 

  • “Playing Across Language: Bilingual Connections Among Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Music Learning.”
  • “Dual Language Education Through Music: Adapting a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy.”
  • With Multilingual and Multicultural Studies master’s student Douha Abbasher: “Hal Tatahdath Araby? [Do You Speak Arabic?] Culturally Sustaining Practices for Arabic-Speaking Early Childhood Education.”


Lin Moore, PhD, (Denton) presented "To Play or Not to Play? Pre-service Teachers' Views about Children's Play" at the National Association for African American Studies 31st Annual Conference. Co-presenters were TWU PhD graduates in Child Development and Early Education: Elaine Zweig (2009), Stacie Summers (2019), Sandra Morales (2017), and Salwa Al-Harbi (2014).


Peggy Lisenbee, PhD, (Denton) and Jennifer Flanagan (master’s student, Denton) presented “Bring Picture Books to Life with STEAM” on Saturday, Feb. 25, at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Austin Chapter of Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TXAEYC).


Victor Lozada, PhD, (Denton) made multiple presentations at the 2023 Texas Music Educators Association Convention Feb. 8-11.

  • Music Aptitude, Phonological Awareness, and Morphological Awareness in First Grade Emergent Bilingual Children: A Mixed Method Study.
  • Music Aptitude and Literacy Among English Language Learner and non-English Language Learner Children, with Mary Fougerousse Aumen (master’s student, Music, Denton) and Vicki Baker, PhD (Music, Denton)


Amy Burke, PhD, and Aimee Hendrix-Soto, PhD, (both Denton) presented “Beyond Media Literacy: Navigating in a Post-Truth World” at the 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition for the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA) held Feb. 3-5 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center.


Elizabeth Kaye, PhD, and Annette Torres Elías, PhD, (both Denton) presented "The Power of Oral Language for Fostering Writing in Young Learners" at the 2023 Annual Conference & Exposition for the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts (TCTELA) held Feb. 3-5 at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Denton Convention Center.


Elizabeth Kaye, PhD, (Denton) presented " Refining Our Teaching Expertise in Reading Recovery” at the 2023 LitCon National K-8 Literacy & Reading Recovery Conference Jan. 28-31 in Columbus, Ohio.




Ellina Grigorieva, PhD (Denton) will present her new research, “On one minimization problem for a bilinear controlled model of melanoma treatment,” at the Spring Western Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society. The event is scheduled May 7 in Fresno, California.


Ellina Grigorieva (Denton) is an organizer of a special session at the 13th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, scheduled May 31-June 4 in Wilmington, North Carolina. The session, SS20, is titled “Control and Optimization: new developments and applications.” She will present her research, “Optimization of the alternation of drug intake and rest intervals in adaptive melanoma treatment protocols.”




Vicki Baker, PhD, (Denton) with Victor Lozada, PhD, (Literacy and Learning, Denton) and Mary Fougerousse Aumen (master’s student, Music, Denton) presented Music Aptitude and Literacy Among English Language Learner and non-English Language Learner Children at the 2023 Texas Music Educators Association Convention Feb. 8-11.




Fifteen College of Nursing faculty and students attended the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Annual Conference held March 1-3 in Orlando, Florida. Those who conducted podium presentations included Ngozi Mbue, PhD (Houston), Cathie Mbango, PhD (Houston), Tracie Kirkland (Houston), Poonam Goswami (Houston), and Robin Cook (Denton). Poster presenters were Chanam Shin, PhD (Denton), Sandra Cesario, PhD (Houston), Jennifer Woo, PhD (Dallas), Linda Merritt, PhD (Dallas), Jorgie Contreras (Denton), and undergraduate students Juliza Vidales and Shalom Anyiam.  Others in attendance were SNRS past-president Donna Scott Tilley, PhD (Denton), Annette Gartman (Denton), and Jolly Joseph (graduate research assistant III, Houston).


Ngozi Mbue, PhD (Houston) conducted a podium presentation of her project, “Diabetes Self-Monitoring Intervention for African American Veterans: A Feasibility Implementation Study,” at the Southern Nursing Research Society’s 37th Annual Conference held March 1-3 in Orlando, Florida


Mikyoung Lee, PhD (Dallas) contributed to a poster presentation, “Facilitators and challenges in nursing data science,” accepted by the ACENDIO 2023 Informatics Conference, held March 16-18 in Rome.


Wyona Freysteinson, PhD (Houston) co-presented “Creating a community to inspire nursing knowledge using appreciative inquiry” at the Virtual Theory International Nursing Conference held March 16-20.


Five College of Nursing faculty attended the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Doctoral Education Conference held Jan. 19-21 in Coronado, California. Jayne Dunlap (Houston) conducted a podium presentation and Mikyoung Lee (Dallas) moderated a pre-conference session. Houston faculty Peggy Landrum, Nina Fredland and Sandra Cesario also attended the conference, along with PhD student Julie Van Orne. Van Orne and a colleague received the Commission on Nurse Certification’s 2023 CNL Innovation in Practice Award for their project, “Care of the child with medical complexity through the eyes of the caregiver: A photovoice project. The national award recognizes current CNLs, faculty and practice partners who are improving patient care in innovative ways.


Physical Therapy


Suh-Jen Lin (Dallas) had two abstracts accepted for the World Physiotherapy Congress 2023, scheduled June 2-4 in Dubai. “Effects of a Virtually Derived Program on Breathing Strength and Lung Function in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury – A Retrospective Study,” was accepted as a poster presentation. Lin’s colleagues Dale Anderle and Merri Leigh Johnson (both Dallas) were co-authors on the abstract titled “Efficacy of Respiratory Muscle Training on Muscle Strength and Pulmonary Function in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury – A Systematic Review,” which was accepted as an ePoster presentation.